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by the Simple Scrawler

How I began


I have been practicing Henna as an art for just over three years now. It started as intrique which grew into a deep love and respect. I have tinkered with other forms of art over the years but few things are as rare, unique, and beautiful as the designs I create with Henna. 



Art is traditionally displayed apart from the individual. You see it most on museum walls,  in the statues set on pedastles, even the great cinema. But what if I told you that art could be a part of you? That the art on your body could reflect your own indiviudal beauty? That taking part in this ancient practice brings a sense of community? It is more than art, it is an experience. 

My Work


Henna is an ancient multicultural tradition whose original creators often inspire me. I do a mix of culturally inspired designs but I also incorporate a modern flair to bring you the best of both worlds. I'm available for parties, date nights and private appointments. FInd more pictures of my tattoos and designs under the Portfolio tab.

Get in touch


I love questions! Feel free to ask me anything, whether it be about pricing, availability, an event your'e planning, or about deep philosophical quandries! You can message me on facebook at

or simply through the Contact tab above

Curating the world artfully
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